Bag O'Blooms® Shade Loving Pansies


Enjoy stunning pansies without the hassle of pots and planters! These seeded bags afford you the ultimate flexibility in growing. Add life to garden fences, patios, decks, walls and lamp posts, or anywhere you could use a splash of color in your yard. Just hang, water, and watch them grow! Each bag comes with 50 mg of seeds for a full array of lush annuals. Keep in partial shade. Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery. No express shipping.

Order will ship early to mid-April, weather dependent.

  • Includes 1 pack of seeds and durable hanging bag along with planting instructions
  • Hardiness Zone: 2-9
  • Annual plant grows 6-9" high
  • Plant in full to partial sun for best results
  • Blooms in spring to early summer
  • Sourced by DeGroot
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