Simple 1-2-3™ Color and Frame Halloween


Scare away stress or treat someone to a spook-tacular surprise with this Simple 1-2-3™ Color and Frame Halloween coloring book. This adult coloring book's festive pages are brimming with pumpkins, ghouls, ghosts, bats and more—covering a wide variety of styles and complexity. The unique Halloween book offers opportunity to escape life's daily hustle and enjoy the mindful process of filling blank spaces with your own creative touch. Thick paper prevents marker or pen from bleeding through, and the perforated, one-sided coloring pages are easy to tear out and display—perfectly fitting an 8" x 10" frame. Great for travel or enjoying at home, this coloring book is a thoughtful gift for adults and young artists, too! Spiralbound, 64 pages. 8 1/2" x 10".
This item is not eligible for additional discounts at the order level.
  • Measures 8 1/2” x 10” overall
  • Contains 64 pages
  • Spiral binding makes it simple to use anywhere
  • Thick paper prevents markers or pens from bleeding through
  • Perforated pages allow for easy removal of your completed images
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