Angel Earring Lifters, Set of 2


These little angel earring back lifters support your lobes from behind, so earrings stay properly positioned instead of drooping! Perfect for small or stretched earlobes or heavy earrings, angel-shaped earring backs easily slide onto posts for comfortable wear. Set of earring backs to prevent sagging earrings includes 2 pairs, silvertone and goldtone to complement all your favorite earrings. 1/4" W x 3/4" H. Hypoallergenic. Crafted of 100% copper to resist oxidation while preventing droopy earrings. Clean with standard jewelry cleaner.
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  • Lifters help earrings stay properly positioned instead of drooping
  • Angel-shaped lifters easily slide onto posts for comfortable wear
  • Crafted of 100% copper to resist oxidation
  • Clean with standard jewelry cleaner
  • Set includes 2 pairs, one pair silvertone and one pair goldtone
  • 1/4" wide x 3/4" high hypoallergenic earrings
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