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  1. 372419

  2. 378238

  3. 366336

    $7.99 $5.99
  4. 338067

  5. 311455


    35% Off Select Overstocks

  6. 365860

  7. 378332

  8. 372784

  9. Beaded Easter Tabletop Sign by Holiday Peak™-374663 Beaded Easter Tabletop Sign by Holiday Peak™-374663
    2 Options Available

  10. 354105

  11. 376727

  12. 378331

  13. 378330

  14. 376734

  15. 345023

  16. 311399

  17. 377497

  18. Personalized Blue Gingham Wicker Easter Basket-366644 Personalized Blue Gingham Wicker Easter Basket-366644
    2 Options Available

  19. Personalized Pink Gingham Wicker Easter Basket-366643 Personalized Pink Gingham Wicker Easter Basket-366643
    2 Options Available

  20. Personalized Plaid Wicker Easter Basket-366645 Personalized Plaid Wicker Easter Basket-366645
    2 Options Available

  21. 374023

    $29.99 $11.22
  22. 373017

    $34.99 $13.72
  23. 376652

    $19.99 $7.22
  24. 372781

    $24.99 $6.82
  25. 372754

    $12.99 $3.32
  26. 372753

    $12.99 $3.32
  27. Personalized Some Bunny Loves Baby Bib-373826 Personalized Some Bunny Loves Baby Bib-373826
    2 Options Available

    $19.99 $4.92
  28. 374284

    $19.99 $5.92
  29. 374552

    $14.99 $5.42
  30. 374105

    $19.99 $6.12
  31. 375825

    $19.99 $11.92
  32. 376732

    $29.99 $11.32
  33. 372423

    $19.99 $5.72
  34. 371224

    $19.99 $5.52
  35. 374035

    $14.99 $4.12
  36. 376812

    $16.99 $5.52
  37. 374179

    $9.99 $6.62
  38. 374178

    $9.99 $6.62
  39. 374177

    $9.99 $6.62

Easter Home Merchandise

Get ready for Easter with fun, affordable products for all ages from Walter Drake. Easter Sunday has a special place in the hearts of many families. It commemorates the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, making it an important religious holiday. Since it follows the first full moon of spring, Easter also has come to celebrate nature waking up after a long winter’s nap. Whatever this day means to you and your loved ones, we have affordable Easter merchandise to make it even more special.

Spread Joy on Easter

Shop our home Easter collection for an assortment of items to delight both kids and adults. Our religious Easter merchandise offers many ways to honor the true meaning of the holiday and the Holy Week that precedes it. Our inspirational Easter books contain prayers and passages for the arrival of the Holy Spirit. Add some fun to the occasion with Bible word search books that keep your brain sharp. We also have Easter garden flags and sun-catchers to make sure His presence is always there.

If you prefer a secular celebration that focuses on spring’s arrival, Walter Drake can still help. Easter wreaths and door hangers in the shape of eggs or bunnies are a fun way to welcome guests. Order a personalized Easter basket for the kids along with fun basket stuffers such as Easter “bunny duckies” and stampers. Those who love Easter can leave our decorative Easter signs, pictures and figurines up long after the trees bloom.

Unique Easter Values

Enjoy a colorful, fun Easter Sunday with great deals on home-based merchandise. Walter Drake is a leader in holiday décor and functional items that offer easy style at low prices. Whether you’re planning your Easter in advance or need last-minute items, our catalog has a practical solution.

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