Easter Bunny Gnome Stakes, Set of 6 by Fox River™ Creations


Transform your outdoor space into a fairytale wonderland with our set of Easter Bunny Gnome Stakes. These delightful yard stakes are perfect for lining your sidewalk or placing in planters. They can also be used indoors to add a touch of spring cheer in flower pots or centerpieces. Whether you're decorating for Easter for just want to bring some joy to your surroundings, these gnomes are a great choice. Perfect Easter basket stuffers for adults, too. 100% metal. Set of 6 lawn stakes, each 17" L x 4 1/3" W. By Fox River™ Creations.
  • 100% metal
  • Set of 6 lawn stakes, each 17" long x 4 1/3" wide
  • Perfect for lining your sidewalk or placing in planters
  • By Fox River™ Creations
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