Eyeglass Repair Kit


Do your own minor glasses repairs at home and save time, money and travel! Eyeglass repair kit includes everything you need to keep glasses safe, comfortable and fitting properly — even when that tiny screw inevitably falls out! This glasses repair kit includes storage case, magnifier, 3 screwdrivers, 2 plastic starters, 9 screws for glasses, 2 nose pads for glasses, 4 comfort pads and a lens cleaning cloth. 3 1/2" L x 2 3/4" W. Wipe clean.
  • Do your own minor glasses repairs at home
  • Includes storage case, magnifier, 3 screwdrivers, 2 plastic starters, 9 screws for glasses, 2 nose pads for glasses, 4 comfort pads and a lens cleaning cloth
  • 3 1/2" long x 2 3/4" wide
  • Wipe clean
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