Family Tree Parchment Kit


DIY family tree kit makes tracing your roots a family-friendly activity! Includes everything you need to recreate your ancestry on "aged" family tree parchment, making it educational and fun. Simply write your relatives' names on the leaf stickers, then connect with the stick-on branches. You can even frame the family tree chart for truly personal artwork! Includes 18" W x 13" H faux parchment, 25 leaf stickers, 48 assorted branch stickers and instructions. Made in USA.
  • Makes tracing your roots a family-friendly activity
  • Simply write your relatives' names on the leaf stickers
  • You can even frame the family tree chart when done
  • 18" W x 13" H faux parchment
  • Include 25 leaf stickers, 48 assorted branch stickers and instructions
  • Made in USA
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