Giant Flower Wind Spinner


Three layers of bright petals spin when the wind brings this Giant Flower Wind Spinner to life—creating a brilliant display of rainbow colors and mesmerizing motion! A vibrant, moving piece of art for your garden or landscape, the garden wind spinner creates big visual impact you'll enjoy every day … and love even more when the slightest breeze beckons. Sturdy fiberglass bands threaded along the edges of each petal hold the shape, while a durable fiberglass pole with plastic ground stake allow quick, easy yard spinner display in the lawn or garden. Easy assembly. Polyester, plastic, metal wire garden decor. 18 7/8" L x 18 7/8" W x 46" H.
  • A vibrant, moving piece of art for your garden or landscape, the garden wind spinner creates big visual impact you'll enjoy every day … and love even more when the slightest breeze beckons
  • Sturdy fiberglass bands threaded along the edges of each petal hold the shape, while a durable fiberglass pole with plastic ground stake allow quick, easy yard spinner display in the lawn or garden
  • Easy assembly
  • Polyester, plastic, metal wire garden decor
  • 18 7/8" long x 18 7/8" wide x 46" high
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