Instant Smile™ Temporary Tooth Replacement Kit

Get back your smile with a custom-fit molded temporary tooth


Start smiling again! Restore your confidence with this innovative temporary tooth replacement kit. Replace a missing tooth in less than 5 minutes with a realistic simulated tooth. The simple Instant Smile™ 3-step system makes it easy. Choose the matching size and color tooth, cut to the desired shape with the stainless steel trimming scissors and place in your mouth with the fitting material. The included tooth shaping file lets you customize a natural look that fits your mouth. Does not stain or discolor. Unlike other tooth kits that require you to shape material into a tooth yourself, these molded teeth look like the real thing. Includes 9 teeth in various sizes and colors to choose from. Not a dental device, yet perfect for beautiful short-term results. You can count on Instant Smile’s decade-long history of millions of happy customers. Fitting material is polycaprolactone.
  • Fitting material is polycaprolactone
  • Includes nine teeth in various sizes and colors
  • Replace a missing tooth in less than five minutes
  • Not a dental device, yet perfect for beautiful short-term results

1. Select and Cut: Hold the tab of 3 teeth of your selected shade up to the spot of your missing or broken tooth. With the scissors, trim the desired tooth to fit into the gap. Once you have the new tooth the shape that you want, cut it from the tab.
2. Apply Fitting Material: Pour half of the package of white thermal fitting beads into a cup of boiling water. Once the beads turn clear (approximately 30 seconds), remove them with a metal spoon. Stick them onto the back of the plastic tooth. (Don't let the fitting material stick to the front of the plastic tooth).
3. Put In Place: Gently ease the temporary tooth into the place of your missing tooth. Gently pat the fitting material up and behind your adjacent teeth. Wait 3 minutes for the material to cool and harden and it should stay securely in place. If you're not happy with the fit, you can simply remold the tooth in hot water again.
4. Removing the Temporary Tooth: *Water needs to be over 130 degrees to soften the thermal fitting beads. Pour some boiling water onto a hand towel. Being careful not to burn your fingers, pinch the heated portion of the towel around our temporary tooth and the fitting material behind the adjacent teeth. This heat will soften the fitting material. Re-apply boiling water to the hand towel and keep pressing the hot towel to the fitting material. Be patient, this may take 3-5 minutes to soften the fitting material. Then use your fingernail to peel the fitting material from behind the teeth and wiggle out the temporary tooth.

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