Leaping Lint Snake by LivingSURE™


This specially designed Leaping Lint Snake jumps to the rescue, helping prevent dangerous lint fires in your dryer. It easily fits most vacuum wands and snakes deep into the lint trap to remove debris clinging to the sides. The dryer lint remover's clear tube lets you watch the progress, while a handy toothed end helps remove stubborn lint. You can also use this dryer lint cleaner underneath appliances and between the washer and dryer … even take it outside to clean the ducting for a thoroughly clean, lint-free laundry system. Durable plastic. Clear tube measures 32 1/2" L; vacuum adapter measures 13 3/4" L. Lint trap cleaner by LivingSURE™.
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  • Durable plastic
  • Clear tube measures 32 1/2" long
  • Includes 13 3/4" long vacuum adapter fits most vacuum wands
  • Handy toothed end helps remove stubborn lint
  • By LivingSURE™
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