Long-Reach Clip-On Shoe Horns, Set of 4


Make putting on and taking off shoes a breeze with these Long-Reach Clip-On Shoe Horns. The innovative shoe horn design clips onto your shoe, making it perfect for individuals with limited mobility. No more reaching, struggling or straining your back trying to put on your shoes. With extra-long handles measuring more than 15" of reach, you'll easily slip into your favorite dress or casual shoes without bending over. These long shoe horns are lightweight for ease of use. Keep an extra set at home, in the car or on the go for hassle-free footwear changes. Set of 4.
  • Set of 4 shoe horns
  • Extra-long handles offer more than 15" of reach
  • Lightweight for ease of use
  • Perfect for individuals with limited mobility
  • Keep a set at home, in the car or on the go for hassle-free footwear changes
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