Microfiber Laundry Drying Mat


You'll love the magic of this Microfiber Laundry Drying Mat! Perfect for sweaters and delicates that need gentle drying, simply place item on the laundry mat and roll. It gently wrings out excess water for faster drying and to help clothing keep its shape. At 35 1/2" L x 19 5/8" W and just under 1/4" thick, this clothes drying mat fits a variety of clothing sizes and is compact for easy storage in a laundry room. Polyester.
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  • Gentle polyester microfiber
  • 35 1/2" long x 19 5/8" wide and less than 1/4" thick for drying sweaters and larger items
  • Keeps delicates and valuable garments out of the dryer
  • Gently wrings out excess water for faster drying
  • Helps clothing keep its shape
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