Personalized Cat Treats and Toy Caddy


Here’s the purr-fect solution to keeping your cat’s toys and treats organized. This personalized caddy adds a touch of whimsy to your feline friend’s routine. Spacious enough for a variety of treats and cat toys, it ensures your kitty is always entertained. No more toys scattered all over—this adorable and practical storage caddy gives you plenty of room to keep pet supplies organized. Features a whimsical outline of a fish. Easy assembly, hardware included. Specify color: Blue, Pink, Purple or Red. Specify name; limit 1 line, 12 characters/spaces. Made from MDF with a sturdy wood handle. 13 1/8” W x 9” H x 7 7/8” D.
  • MDF with a sturdy wood handle
  • 13 1/8” wide x 9” high x 7 7/8” deep overall
  • Features plenty of room to keep pet supplies organized
  • Easy assembly, hardware included
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