Sudoku Puzzle Spiral Books, Vol. 1 and 2, Set of 2


The numbers are in your favor with this 2-volume set … giving you 138 Sudoku puzzles in all! Each spiral-bound book features 69 Sudoku puzzles to engage your brain, and the challenges range from "Easy" to "Expert" level, keeping things fun. Working a Sudoku puzzle requires careful thought, so it can help enhance your concentration, improve memory and keep your brain agile and fit. Wonderfully addictive and good for your mind, Sudoku can also be surprisingly relaxing—giving you a break from daily stress, while keeping your brain active. The sturdy spiral binding makes each sudoku book's pages lay flat, so the Sudoku puzzles are easy to work on anywhere. Set of 2. Each spiral-bound softcover book includes 80 pages with puzzles on both sides and answer key in back. 6 5/8" x 7 7/8".
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  • Each spiral-bound book features 69 Sudoku puzzles and answer keys in back
  • Engage your brain with challenges that range from "Easy" to "Expert" level
  • Help enhance your concentration, improve memory and keep your brain agile and fit
  • Each spiral-bound softcover book includes 80 pages with puzzles
  • Set of 2, each 6 5/8" x 7 7/8"
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