Wooden Yo-Yo


The first yo-yo company in America began in the 1920s, and this nostalgic toy has been delighting children and adults ever since! Crafted of solid wood, this Wooden Yo-Yo is brightly painted and well balanced, perfect for taking on a variety of yo-yo tricks. Offering hours of old-fashioned play, a classic yo-yo like this helps children learn patience, while helping develop hand-eye coordination and motor skills—and it may also help your child or grandchild gain extra confidence by learning new skills. A great little addition to holiday stockings, Easter baskets and party grab bags, this colorful wooden yo-yo toy is a fun, affordable gift for kids ages 5 and up. Assorted colors; we'll choose for you. The wooden yo-yo measures 2" L x 2" W x 1 1/4" H.
  • Solid wood
  • Measures 2" long x 2" wide x 1 1/4" high
  • Helps develop hand-eye coordination and motor skills
  • Ages 5 and up
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