3 in 1 Egg Slicer


Easily slice, dice or wedge hard-boiled eggs with this 3-in-1 egg slicer. Our food slicer's smart design features 3 separate cutting sections with stainless steel wire cutters—offering easy, uniform slicing, wedging and dicing for egg salad, garnishes, sandwiches and more. Complete with a snap-on mini bowl for collecting smaller pieces, the versatile 3-in-1 egg chopper also works for cutting strawberries, mushrooms and more. Stainless steel and plastic; hand wash. 7 1/2" L x 14 1/2" W.
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  • Stainless steel/plastic
  • 7 1/2" long x 14 1/2" wide
  • 3 separate cutting sections
  • Snap-on mini bowl
  • Hand wash
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