Disposable Drain Covers, Set of 10


Meet the hygienic solution for keeping drains clean and clear. Flat, waterproof Disposable Drain Covers combine peel-and-stick convenience with money-saving effectiveness. Simply apply a self-adhesive shower drain cover to clean, dry surface—perfect for showers, baths, and kitchen or bathroom sinks. Strong, waterproof adhesive keeps drain-clogging hair and debris out of your pipes, saving you from expensive plumber visits. Simply peel and toss each drain guard when it's time to replace. Low-profile, non-woven fabric drain protectors add a touch of non-slip safety and fit most drains. Set of 10 sink and floor drain covers, each 4" sq.
  • Non-woven fabric
  • Set of 10 sink and floor drain covers, each 4" sq.
  • Strong self-adhesive backing provides a strong seal for minimal fuss
  • Keeps drain-clogging hair and debris out of pipes, helping prevent clogs before they happen
  • Perfect for showers, baths, and kitchen or bathroom sinks
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