Full Face CPAP Mask


Enjoy deeper, more restful sleep with fewer interruptions. Full face CPAP mask is designed for premium comfort and effective sleep therapy every night. Frame stabilizers evenly redistribute pressure over a larger area, reducing that feeling of high CPAP pressures. Silicone contact is soft against skin and fits like a dream, so you can breathe easily without noisy mask leaks. Designed without a forehead pad, so you can read or watch TV without obstruction before comfortably sleeping through the night. CPAP headgear available in small, medium or large. To size, measure from bridge of nose to bottom of lower lip. Latex-free.
  • Made with latex-free plastic and silicone
  • Available in 3 sizes
  • Full-face design fits securely to help maximize sleep apnea therapy all night
  • Frame stabilizers redistribute pressure evenly
  • Breath-o-prene fabric resists moisture
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