Gardeners Knee Rest

- Description
If the thought of achy or dirty knees is stopping you from working in the garden, then a Walter Drake Gardeners Foam Garden Kneeler is a practical and affordable solution. Garden kneelers provide a comfortable place to kneel as you dig, plant, pull weeds and more. Our gardener’s foam kneeler features a durable tubular steel frame that is painted green and is narrow enough to easily fit between most garden rows. The base is fitted with 3" thick foam padding to cushion your knees as you work. The plastic feet keep the kneeler stable while double handles help the user lift himself or herself up when finished with tasks.
Say goodbye to sore kneecaps, stiff joints and stained work pants by using our high-quality small garden kneeler from Walter Drake. It's a great value to help you be more productive in vegetable gardens and flower beds.
Our soft foam kneelers aren’t just for outdoor work, either! A knee rest is also useful for indoor home or garage tasks, such as laying down new flooring, changing car tires or cleaning the stairs. Walter Drake is here to help you work smarter and more efficiently with essential gardening tools and supplies at surprisingly low prices. Order this garden kneeling pad and you'll be ready to work all day on your prized landscape without discomfort.
- Features
- Padded knee rest features a 3" foam padding
- Great garden accessory for multiple uses
- Sturdy metal base
- Painted tubular steel handles for additional support when rising from a kneeling position
- Measures approximately 17 3/4" long x 11" wide x 13 1/4" high
- Protective leg caps to avoid damage to wood or laminate floors when it is used indoors
- Easy assembly
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