Metal Car Headrest Hooks, Set of 2


These handy metal hooks attach to your vehicle's headrest post, instantly providing instant storage space. Holding grocery bags, handbags, hats, jackets, leashes, umbrellas and more, the sturdy headrest hooks keep everything neatly off the floor and seating are for safe, tidy travel. Swing the headrest hooks around to use in the front seat as a convenient handbook hook, keeping it safely in place while on the road. Easily slipping around headrest post for quick, tool-free installation, each 100% steel car hanging hook holds 8.8 lbs. Set of 2 car seat hanger hooks.
  • Provides instant storage for grocery bags, handbags, jackets, leashes, umbrellas and more
  • Keeps everything off the floor for safe, tidy travel
  • Easily slips around headrest post for quick, tool-free installation
  • Each 100% steel car hanging hook holds 8.8 lbs.
  • Set of 2 car seat hanger hooks
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