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  1. Bible Dry-Liter-352414 Bible Dry-Liter-352414
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  13. Personalized Leather Zipper Wallet-303263 Personalized Leather Zipper Wallet-303263
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  21. Personalized Memo Cube - Set of 600-303409 Personalized Memo Cube - Set of 600-303409
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    Buy 2 Pencils, Save $2

  25. Silver Steps™ Elastic Shoe Laces 3 Pair-341204 Silver Steps™ Elastic Shoe Laces 3 Pair-341204
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  27. Personalized Porcelain Heart Necklace With Chain-351222 Personalized Porcelain Heart Necklace With Chain-351222
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  28. Tea Lights with Remote Control, Set of 12-364533 Tea Lights with Remote Control, Set of 12-364533
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  37. Grip-Tuth® Combs, Set of 2-345497 Grip-Tuth® Combs, Set of 2-345497
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Holiday Gifts for Stockings

One of the great Christmas traditions is hanging the stockings by the chimney with care to be filled with gifts. It’s even been adopted for some Hanukkah celebrations, too. Walter Drake will help you play Santa Claus this year with the best holiday stocking stuffers at unexpected values. While the stocking may be the precursor to the gifts under the tree, some of the most memorable gifts can fit inside an oversized sock. Our holiday stocking gift guide has dozens of whimsical gifts — including some exclusive stocking stuffers you’ll only find at Walter Drake and our related companies.

Fun and Practical Gifts

Share the magic of the holidays with kids, siblings and spouses by ordering creative gifts for their stockings. Students will love colorful pens and pencils that come in their favorite themes. We have Christmas bookmarks for fervent readers and electronic games to pass the time on long car trips. Trinket box ornaments have the bonus of holding another small gift inside. Adults will get a kick from their stockings too when they find card holders, novelty shirts and licensed playing cards. And who could forget the sweets? Celebrate the holidays with classic gum tins, taffy, root beer barrels and other stocking stuffer candy.

Personalized Holiday Stocking Gifts

The best gifts are ones that mean a lot to those who receive them. Personalized stocking stuffers are always popular and show you went the extra mile. We’ll add a name, initial or message to holiday pencils, makeup pouches, golf balls, bracelets and other trinkets. It’s one of the many ways we’ve inspired and delighted customers during the holiday season every year since 1947. If you need assistance with an order, call Walter Drake at (855) 202-7393 or visit our Frequently Asked Questions page. Many other functional gifts are available — go to the main Holiday Gift Giving section for many other Christmas shopping categories.

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